About Event

Payam Aviation Exhibition & Airshow is a biannual exhibition that is held at Payam International Airport and Special Economic Zone. This event is designed with the approach of increasing synergy, cooperation and investment in the aviation industry and has three sections, included exhibition, side events and air show.

In the exhibition section, the main players of this industry including airlines, airports, MRO companies, parts and systems manufacturers, knowledge-based companies and startups, innovation centers and accelerators, technology parks, air agencies, insurance companies, cargo transporters, universities, Government, policymakers, regulators, etc. will be participate.

Side events include "Student Section", "Technology Experience", "Investment in Aviation Industry", "Stage (including discussion panels and speeches)", "Reverse Pitch Event", "Aviation Industry Museum" and etc.

The show section will also include ground show (static) and air show (including airplanes, drones, skydiving, air sports, etc.).

This event is organized by the ICT Technology Park and Payam Air Services Company, both of which are a subsidiary of the Ministry of ICT of IRAN, and its main goal is to develop the aviation and space industry and apply ICT in this industry.

Also, the I.R.Iran Civil Aviation Organization, as the highest institution of the country's aviation industry, and the Iran Space Organization, support and sponsor this event.